These Vlogs/Blogs/Recordings are mainly about the power of Nature, the Landscape, the laws of the Universe, and the ultimate Architect (not humans). What happens when we ignore Mother Nature? The Universe will not die, lie or boast, we do. This is about the universe, the land, the elements and how they affect, effect or interact with us. Natural laws are far superior to paper laws.
Observe and be blessed my friends… the story never ends.
I suggest you comeback every so often as I will make an effort to update these files, either with video, audio or other media types.
I am by no means a good reader. So, if I miss pronounce something or slip up, then I slipped up. I am native to this land not to this Language. That is my nature.
Quick note: See Nature below. I will miss-pronounce and get things wrong; I am human.
This Blog is not A.I.

A Warrior, A Priest, A Young Woman, Music, Fire and Nature