Our Logo

- Our Logo displays the old craft of Stone Masonry, which is the prominent skill developed by Miguel as a young man. That skill kicked off the company. The stacked stones remind Miguel of his long cherished craft, which is currently a skill in decline.

Did you know that Latin America has more stacked stone (Masonry) than any other culture in the world... And that there are more Pyramids south of the US boarder then in Africa... And that "according to the Guinness Book of Records", the Great Pyramid of Cholula "is in fact the largest pyramid ever constructed anywhere in the world, with a total volume estimated at over 4.45 million m³."

RLC - Landscape Construction & Architecture

Family Owned and Operated:

- We have spent our entire life here, in California. We are California natives. We know the west coast, our large state, and specifically Northern California. We have planted, cared for, built, and worked in all of the Micro Climates in California. We have a working knowledge of the winds, rain patterns, sun and temperature, coastal and inland fog, and the natural earth movements. We have aided in the repairs, both environmental and structural. We have seen snow in the nearby mountains and have felt the power of our plants and Planet (The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake occurred in Northern California on October 17 at 5:04 p.m. local time). We know the history and can shape the future. This is California and we Love it!

Felipe - P.L. Architect

- The brick fence story below is a vivid and fond memory for Felipe, as he was there at his father’s side as a young kid (8 years old), not working but just following his father during the summer months. He had one skill that Miguel was still learning. He had full command of the English language. It served him well, as he witnessed a prospective costumer approach Miguel and asked if he could work on her project in Napa. Felipe spoke up for Miguel, and from that day forward a small partnership was formed between Father and Son.

At an early age, he stuck to his father’s side and learned the meaning of hard work. While other teenage students enjoyed the weekends and vacations, Felipe's winter, spring, summer breaks were dedicated to learning and working. Felipe picked up on the business, craft and trade. Before the age of 19, Felipe reached the Journeyman and Forman levels. At that point Felipe was off, and preparing for his Contractors State Licensing Exams, while attending University.

Management was second nature for Felipe. At the age of 15 he had learned to balance his education, work and sports. He achieved high marks in all three. Felipe began his Architecture studies in High School with 2 years of Architecture, Followed by 4 years as an Undergrad, then 3 years of Postgraduate and Certificate studies in Landscape Architecture. He holds a B.S Degree in Construction Management & Architecture. 

Felipe is a Landscape Architect; He holds the General Contractors License and the Landscape Contractors License. Felipe is a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper Certified by the EPA. He has worked as an outstanding Project Manager for a company that constantly ranks among the top (3) in the world. Field experience includes years as field engineer and has managed contracts of over $50 million with success in Design Build projects, delivered on budget and on schedule.  Felipe brings over 30 years of Architecture, Construction and Design/Build experience to his company.

The Company

- We are completely dedicated to Clients, Nature and our small business. We have dedicated our lives to the proper and mindful development, restoration and care of our natural land. With deep gratitude to Sonoma, Napa & Marin Counties and all of Northern California, for following and believing in what we do. Our goal is to improve every micro-environment. Always learning and developing new means and methods to improve Earth our biggest and unyielding client!

Miguel (RETIRED)

- Started working the land over 40 years ago. Mainly as a Stone and Brick Mason. Reyes Landscape Construction (RLC), started as a side job to fill in the wage gap created by Miguel's full-time job in the 1970's and 80's. Although he had developed his masonry skills in his early teenager years and honed them throughout his 20's, his job during the 80's did not employ his craft. Needless to say, he was not fulfilled as a ranch hand, but approached his job with gratitude, waking early and leaving late.

Several years in, his then boss gave him the opportunity to build a decorative brick fence structure (still standing to date), noted his skills and the joy Miguel displayed when building project, he then assigned Miguel to take care of all the large Hardscape projects. His boss was not the only one to notice, but the general public in Sonoma and Napa noticed. The brick fence project led to several opportunities in Napa, followed by other recommendations, until Miguel had enough prospective project which allowed him to leave his low wage job to pursue the elusive American Dream; Start and run his small business. 

Formally, Miguel brought over 40 years of hands-on experience in the Hardscape and Masonry Trades. Miguel is well known throughout Sonoma, Napa and Marin. Reyes Landscape Construction was built on his young Relationships. In a time without Facebook, Google or Computers, he built the company without advertising, marketing or gimmicks, such as "Thumbs Up" or "5 Star" ratings, real people, real relationships and real recommendations.

Care for our Client, Integrity and Workmanship are the characteristics that built RLC. These three characteristics have attracted repeat clients, who in turn recommended RLC to family and friends. Miguel's craftsmanship has been passed down to select Foremen and Labors that display the three characteristics in which RLC was built on.

Miguel is now retired but still active throughout Sonoma, he has never moved away and will remain in California for the for seeable future. This is his community.

Our Company Moto: