Defensible Space is a real thing, it’s not going to save you on its own, but coupled with other Firewise implementations it will certainly aid in staving off wildfires.
We highly recommend a VMP.
“Fire and Water have no mercy” ~ old English proverb.
The recent fires in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Hawaii, and Sonoma have once again demonstrated how effective and powerful Mother nature’s fury can be. Wildfires are almost unstoppable. We saw this up close and personal here in Sonoma not long ago, multiple years with devastating results. You should NOT depend on the Government to help you at all, this includes Police forces and Firefighting agencies. The likelihood of them saving you is slim, so prepare and save yourself and your family.
A reading from a book that touches on the fire fuels and some of the characteristics of the beast. We should all be aware of the fire that awaits. Each individual homeowner, property owner, HOA and development should be keenly aware of the fuels that surround them. It’s too late look when the fire arrives. And please don’t think that the fire department is going to save you. There is no way they have the power to stop what is part of Nature.
The following is an excerpt from another fabulous book: The Big Burn
The men of the town, after acting tough and talking a strong game, of “Holding the Line” and setting an example for the kids and community… they turned into cowards as soon as the fire came to town
Fire is closer than ever. Be ready
There are multiple books that have covered the devastation of wildfires. The most common element that fuels fires is not dry debris - It is dry WIND! Wind provides oxygen to fire, and fire needs oxygen to thrive. Throughout Marin and Sonoma County, actually up and down California, we have the beauty of Mountains. These mountains are deadly in many ways by themselves, however when there is a fire, the winds within these canyons become deadly. We know how much Californias love to have their mansions up on a hill or a mountain, rather than in the valley or in the “canal”. Realtors all over the nation over price these homes and rarely warn clients about the disasters that await.